Archive of Chow-Dalen news
25 of December, 2010 |
We have new girl at our kennel - Ch-Dalen Donna Flor (Baby Boom Dei Leoni Imperiali x Zimnyaya Vishnya Dlya Ch-Dalen Is Doma Generala)
Ch-Dalen Donna Flor, 2 months
Ch-Dalen Donna Flor, 2 months
Ch-Dalen Donna Flor, 2 months
Ch-Dalen Donna Flor, 2 months
Ch-Dalen Donna Flor, 2 months |
24 of December, 2010 |
Red boy from Baby Boom and Vishnya is looking for a new home.
Ch-Dalen Don't Worry Be Happy, 2 months
Ch-Dalen Don't Worry Be Happy, 2 months
Ch-Dalen Don't Worry Be Happy, 2 months
Ch-Dalen Don't Worry Be Happy, 2 months
Ch-Dalen Don't Worry Be Happy, 2 months |
5 of December, 2010 |
International Dog Show "Siberia - XXI century", judge Peter Harsaniy (Hungary)
Baby Boom - excellent, CW, CAC, Best Dog, CACIB, RKF CH!
Livy - excellent, CW, CAC, Best Bitch, CACIB, RKF CH, BOB! |
31 of October, 2010 |
We have puppies in our kennel from Baby Boom and Lada – 2 boys (blue and black) and 3 girls (1 blue and 2 black)!
Baby Boom Dei Leoni Imperiali & Irin's Akvamarin Tiara Rossyp Serebra |
26 of October, 2010 |
The puppies from our Simon and Fiona were born – 2 girls (blue and cinnamon) and 1 cinnamon boy! |
15 of October, 2010 |
The puppies from our Bob and Eirena Fortunatovna were born – 1 red and 1 black bitches! |
13 of October, 2010 |
We have puppies in our kennel from Baby Boom and Vishnya – 4 red boys and 3 red girls!
Baby Boom Dei Leoni Imperiali & Zimnyaya Vishnya For Ch-Dalen Iz Doma Generala |
3 of October, 2010 |
Regional chow-chow speciality, Novosibirsk, judge O. Vasilyev, Moscow
Baby Boom – CW, JCCC, Best Junior, BOB!
Livi – CW, CCC, Best Bitch!
Baby Boom Dei Leoni Imperiali
Baby Boom Dei Leoni Imperiali
Olivia Of Chow Dream |
29 of August, 2010 |
Regional chow-chow speciality, Novosibirsk, judge l. Terentyeva, Sankt-Petersbourg
Coco – CW, JCCC
Baby Boom – CW, JCCC, Best Junior, BOB!
On two another regional dog-shows in this day (judges l. Terentyeva, Sankt-Petersbourg and T. Egorova, Moscow), Coco got twice JCAC and completed the title Junior Russian Champion!
Baby Boom Dei Leoni Imperiali
Coco Shanel For Ch-Dalen Iz Doma Generala |
21 of August, 2010 |
Regional dog-show, Iskitim, judge N. Griroryeva, Omsk
Coco – CW, JCAC! |
07 of August, 2010 |
Regional dog-show, Novosibirsk, judge Barry Makepeace, UK
Coco – CW, JCAC
Baby Boom – CW, JCAC, Best Junior, BOB, BIG-2! |
12 of July, 2010 |
On the 30th of June Huode Shen Charodeika gave birth to 1 black bitch and 1 red dog out of our Bob. |
16 of June, 2010 |
The blue, black and cinnamon bitches, red and cinnamon dogs puppies out of Kapriz Zheni Zabava Putyatishna and our Simon (d.o.b. 11.05.2010) are looking for the new homes!
 black bitch  blue bitch  cinnamon bitch  cinnamon dog  red dog
On the 2nd of June red Zlatovlaska Iz Ryzhei Stai gave birth to 4 puppies (2 black and 1 red bitches, 1 red dog) out of our Simon.
On the 14th of June red Yellow Pretty Woman gave birth to 5 puppies (blue and black dogs, blue, black and cinnamon bitches) out of our Simon. |
06 of June, 2010 |
Red smooth girl (Simon x Ofeliya), d.o.b. 19.04.10, is looking for the new home!
 red smooth girl  red smooth girl  red smooth girl  red smooth girl  red smooth girl
We are happy to say that on the 1st of June our Livy (Olivia Of Chow Dream) gave birth to 2 black and 2 red boys and 1 red girl out of our Bob (Zhdanny-Zagadanny It Sibirskogo Medvedya)! As soon as our babies are grow enough we will show their photos! |
31 of May, 2010 |
29 of May, All-russian dog-show in Novosibirsk, judge O. Grin (Russia)
Baby Boom — JCAC, Best Junior, BOB!
 Baby Boom Dei Leoni Imperiali  Baby Boom Dei Leoni Imperiali |
25 of May, 2010 |
23 of May, 2 dog-show in Novosibirsk
All-russian dog-show, judge V. Pilikin (Russia)
Baby Boom — JCAC, Best Junior, BOB, BIG-1!
Regional dog-show, judge S. Lysenko (Russia)
Baby Boom — JCAC, Best Junior, BOB!
 Baby Boom Dei Leoni Imperiali
On 25 of May Boyarynya Sibiri Iz Doma Generala gave birth to 7 puppies (blue, red, and 3 black dogs, blue and red girls) out of our Simon.
12 of May, 2010 |
On the 11th of May Kapriz Zheni Zabava Putyatishna gave birth to 5 puppies (blue, black and cinnamon bitches, red and cinnamon dogs) out of our Simon. |
02 of May, 2010 |
01 of May, regional dog-show, Novosibirsk, judge A. Filatova (Russia)
Baby Boom — very promising, Best Puppy
Livy — CAC, Best Bitch, BOB, BIG-3, completed the title of Champion of Russia!
 Olivia Of Chow Dream  Olivia Of Chow Dream  Baby Boom Dei Leoni Imperiali
Our congratulations to Livy's breeders Reiner and Edi (Of Chow Dream Kennel) with one more Champion! |
26 of April, 2010 |
We have new photos of our Bob (2 years and 3 months), Livy (17 months) and Baby Boom (7 months). |
23 of April, 2010 |
Black son of Iris Zolotaya Zvezdochka and our Bob is looking for the new home!
 black dog  black dog  black dog  black dog |
20 of April, 2010 |
On the 19.04.10 the puppies out of our Simon and Ofeliya (red smooth) were born. There 5 puppies in the litter: 1 red dog, 3 red and 1 black girls.
29 of March, 2010 |
There is new girl in the Kennel! Meet the daughter of our Bob and Rubin Asterhaus Ledyanaya Zvezdochka — black Coco (Coco Shanel for Ch-Dalen Iz Doma Generala)! |
21 of March, 2010 |
20.03.10, Novosibirsk, International dog show, judge — Natalia Nekrosene (Lithuania).
Baby Boom — very promising, Best Puppy
Simon — RCAC in Champions class
Vishnya — CW, JCAC, Best Junior Bitch
Livy — CW, CAC, Best Bitch, CACIB, RKF CH
20.03.10, Novosibirsk, All-Russian dog show, judge — Olga Dolejosova (Czech).
Vishnya — CW, JCAC, Best Junior. Vishnya completed the title of Junior Champion of Russia!
Livy — CW, CAC, Best Bitch, BOB! |
18 of March, 2010 |
On the 17.03.10 the puppies out of our Simon and Yasen Svet Frau Helha were born, linebreeding 4:6 to Twice World Champion and Twice Europe Champion Oes-Ming Chy-Nees and 4,5:4 to Russia Champion Baytor Black Boris (imp/ England). There 4 puppies in the litter: 1 red and 3 cinnamon dogs. |
04 of March, 2010 |
26.02.2010 red Iris Zolotaya Zvezdochka gave birth for 4 puppies (2 red bitches, 1 red and 1 black dogs) out of our Bob.
We have new photos of our Vishnya, photos of Baby Boom at the age of 5 months and 1 photo of our Shon. |
13 of February, 2010 |
Today in Novosibirsk there was all-Russian dog show where under judging of Oganova (Russia):
Lada — CAC, Best Bitch
 Lada (Irin's Akvamarin Tiara Rossyp Serebra)  Lada (Irin's Akvamarin Tiara Rossyp Serebra)
Look for the new photos of Lada on her page! |
08 of February, 2010 |
31.01.10, Regional chow-chow speciality, Novosibirsk, judge — J. Ovsyannikova (Russia)
Baby Boom — very promising, Best Baby!
Livy — CW, JCCC, Best Junior, BOB, Junior Club Champion!
 Livy — CW, JCCC, Best Junior, BOB, Junior Club Champion!  Livy — CW, JCCC, Best Junior, BOB, Junior Club Champion!  Baby Boom — very promising, Best Baby!  Baby Boom — very promising, Best Baby!
06.02.10, 2 Regional dog shows, Novosibirsk.
Under judge L. Nikolaev (Russia): Vishnya — CW, JCAC!
Under judge M. Ostrovskaya (Russia): Baby Boom — very promising, Best Baby, Vishnya — CW, JCAC, Best Junior, BOB! |
18 of January, 2010 |
16.01.10, Regional chow-chow speciality, Novosibirsk, judge — J. Gavrilova (Russia)
Baby Boom — very promising, Best Baby!
Livy — CW, JCCC, Best Junior!
Simon — CW, CCC, Best Dog! Simon — twice Club Champion! |
08 of January, 2010 |
We have new photos of 2 black dogs for sale — puppies of our Bob and Laionella Soller Spek!
 black dog 1  black dog 1  black dog 2  black dog 2 |
23 of December, 2009 |
19.12.2009, Tomsk, chow-chow speciality, judge M. Gerasimova (Russia). Our results:
Simon — Best Dog, CCC, Best progeny!
Daughter of our Simon — Dgulideil Emanuel completed the title of Junior Club Champion!
On the 21st of December red CH Zhozefina Oranzhevoe Solntse gave birth to 6 puppies (2 red, 2 black and 1 cinnamon dogs, 1 red bitch) out of our Bob! |
15 of December, 2009 |
12.12.2009, Novosibirsk, International dog show, judge Tamara Sarmont (Belarus). Our results:
Baby Boom — very promising, Best Baby!
Livy — CW, JCAC, Best Junior!
Simon — CW, CAC, Best Dog, CACIB, RKF CH, BOB!
Daughter of our Simon — Gzhel Iz Ryzhei Stai — RCACIB, completed the title of Champion of Russia! |
10 of December, 2009 |
Our italian newby Baby Boom has his own place on the website now. Please, visit his room in Chow-home! Our red beauty Livy has a few new photos in her photoalbum. She is 1 year now! |
30 of November, 2009 |
On 11.11.2009 red Tyan Shi Fialochla Dochka Lapochka gave birth to 1 black boy out of our Simon.
On 23.11.2009 red Laionella Soller Spek gave birth to 1 red girl and 2 black boys out of our Bob.
27.11.2009 cinnamon Tyan Shi Greys Dream gave birth out of our Bob 4 puppies: 1 blue dog, 2 black and 1 red girls! |
01 of November, 2009 |
Baby Boom dei Leoni Imperiali (Quiet Please dei Leoni Imperiali x Stagebo's Queen of Spades) — in CH-Dalen!
With the proud we announce that wonderful red boy came to us from the famous Italian Kennel — dei Leoni Imperiali! Our sincere thanks to Tiziana and Massimiliano for this gorgeous puppy!
 Baby Boom dei Leoni Imperiali  Baby Boom dei Leoni Imperiali |
News archive: 2010 + 2009 + 2008 + 2007 |

Owner: Elena Pokinchereda, Novosibirsk, Russia, phone +7 913 915 41 49, e-mail: chow-dalen@mail.ru